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Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems

  1. Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems Diagram
  2. Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems Inc
  3. Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems System
  4. Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems Installation

An OpenGL context represents many things. A context stores all of the state associated with this instance of OpenGL. It represents the (potentially visible) default framebuffer that rendering commands will draw to when not drawing to a framebuffer object. Think of a context as an object that holds all of OpenGL; when a context is destroyed, OpenGL is destroyed.

Contexts are localized within a particular process of execution (an application, more or less) on an operating system. A process can create multiple OpenGL contexts. Each context can represent a separate viewable surface, like a window in an application.

The 3.2 wording also changed what kind of contexts can be returned, allowing 3.0 and higher versions to be given when not directly asked so long as they support ARBcompatibility or are the compatibility profile of that version of OpenGL. So if you ask for 2.1, the implementation is free to give you 3.2 compatibility; it was not previously free. Context Switch in OS Context Switching is a cost and time saving measure performed by the CPU that is handing task 1 and has to stop executing this task to priority execute another task 2. To do this effectively, the system stores the initial task in its processed form so that when this task is resumed, it can be loaded and resumed from the. Switch with one click to any window: An auto-hiding sidebar shows your windows organized in groups. To switch to a window just click its title in the list. It is as simple as that. Switch with one keystroke to 9 windows and with two keystrokes to any window: This is super fast. Each window gets a window number based on its position in the list.

Each context has its own set of OpenGL Objects, which are independent of those from other contexts. A context's objects can be shared with other contexts. Most OpenGL objects are sharable, including Sync Objects and GLSL Objects. Container Objects are not sharable, nor are Query Objects. Tipard pdf converter 3 1 30 cm.

Any object sharing must be made explicitly, either as the context is created or before a newly created context creates any objects. https://coolbup619.weebly.com/imazing-2-0-0-beta-1.html. However, contexts do not have to share objects; they can remain completely separate from one another.

Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems

In order for any OpenGL commands to work, a context must be current; all OpenGL commands affect the state of whichever context is current. The current context is a thread-local variable, so a single process can have several threads, each of which has its own current context. However, a single context cannot be current in multiple threads at the same time.

  • 1Context types
  • 2Context information queries
    • 2.4Extension list
    • 2.6Shading language version

Context types

Until version 3.0, all versions of OpenGL were fully backwards compatible with earlier ones. Code written against OpenGL 1.1 could execute just fine on OpenGL 2.1 implementations.

OpenGL version 3.0 introduced the idea of deprecating functionality. Many OpenGL functions were declared deprecated, which means that users should avoid using them because they may be removed from later API versions. OpenGL 3.1 removed almost all of the functionality deprecated in OpenGL 3.0. This includes the Fixed Function Pipeline.

However, since many implementations support the deprecated and removed features anyway, some implementations want to be able to provide a way for users of higher GL versions to gain access to the old APIs. Several techniques were tried, and it has settled down into a division between Core and Compatibility contexts.

Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems

There are other context variations as well.

OpenGL 3.1 and ARB_compatibility

A new extension, ARB_compatibility, was introduced when OpenGL 3.1 was revealed. The presence of this extension is a signal to the user that deprecated or removed features are still available through the original entrypoints and enumerations. The behavior of such implementations is defined with a separate, much larger, OpenGL Specification. Thus, there was a backwards-compatible specification and a non-backwards compatible specification.

OpenGL 3.2 and Profiles

When OpenGL 3.0 was introduced, a new context creation mechanism was introduced as well. Since later versions could remove functionality, it was important that the user be able to ask for a specific version of OpenGL, one that they had written their code against.

However, the ARB_compatibility extension posed a problem: the implementation decided whether to define it or not. A user could not request to deactivate ARB_compatibility; it was forced on them. This also meant that the core specification had to be a proper subset of the compatibility specification; the core specification couldn't provide functionality that the compatibility one did not provide.

Thus, another change was made to context creation.

Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems Diagram

The 3.0 form of context creation did not have the concept of profiles. There was only one form of OpenGL: the core specification. In 3.2, OpenGL was effectively split into two profiles, core and compatibility. An implementation was only required to define core, so compatibility is not guaranteed to be available. However, on most implementations, the compatibility profile will be available.

Platform Issue (MacOSX): When MacOSX 10.7 introduced support for OpenGL beyond 2.1, they also introduced the core/compatibility dichotomy. However, they did not introduce support for the compatibility profile itself. Instead, MacOSX gives you a choice: core profile for versions 3.2 or higher, or just version 2.1. There is no way to get access to features after 2.1 and still access the Fixed Function Pipeline.

The 3.2 wording also changed what kind of contexts can be returned, allowing 3.0 and higher versions to be given when not directly asked so long as they support ARB_compatibility or are the compatibility profile of that version of OpenGL. So if you ask for 2.1, the implementation is free to give you 3.2 compatibility; it was not previously free to do this.

Because of the change in wording, the way to detect the changed functionality is to check the extension string. If WGL_ARB_create_context_profile is present, then it uses the 3.2 wording. Otherwise it uses the 3.0/3.1 wording.

Forward compatibility

A context, of version 3.0 or greater, can be created with the 'forward compatibility' bit set. This will cause, for the given profile, all functionality marked 'deprecated' to be removed. You can combine the forward compatibility bit with core and compatibility contexts.

For 3.0, this means that all deprecated functionality will no longer be available. This simulates the 3.1 experience.

For 3.1, this means that any remaining deprecated functionality (things deprecated in 3.0 but not removed in 3.1) will be removed. Basically, wide-lines. Also, you're not likely to see implementations offer ARB_compatibility if you pass forward compatibility.

For 3.2+ compatibility, it should mean nothing at all. Since no functionality is marked deprecated in the compatibility profile, the forward compatibility bit removes nothing.

For 3.2+ core, it again means that all functionality that is still deprecated (wide-lines) will be removed.

Recommendation: You should use the forward compatibility bit only if you need compatibility with MacOS. That API requires the forward compatibility bit to create any core profile context.

Debug contexts

A context can be created in debug mode. This allows, among other things, debug output functionality to work more effectively.

No error contexts

V · E
No Error Context
Core in version4.6
Core since version4.6
ARB extensionKHR_no_error

An OpenGL Context can be created which does not report OpenGL Errors. If the context bit GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_ERROR_BIT is set to true, then the context will not report most errors. It will still report GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR where appropriate, but this can be delayed from the point where the error actually happens. No other errors will be reported.

This also means that the implementation will not check for errors either. So if you provide incorrect parameters to a function that would have provoked an error, you will get undefined behavior instead. This includes the possibility of application termination.

Contexts cannot have the no error bit and the robustsness or debug bits.

Robust access context

Normally, many buffer memory access operations that access data outside of the bound range of storage have undefined results (potentially including program termination). However, if the program doesn't crash, this can lead to being able to read values that were written by other applications, which is a security concern.

Robust access means that out-of-bounds reads will provide well-defined results (usually zero). And such accesses will never cause program termination. It provides better process isolation.

Context information queries

There is a lot of information about an OpenGL context can be queried.

OpenGL version number

To get the OpenGL major and minor version numbers, you can call these functions:

These are available on OpenGL version 3.0 and above contexts. If those are not available, you can use this instead:

The string returned starts with '<major version>.<minor version>'. Following the minor version, there can be another '.', then a vendor-specific build number. The string may have more content, which is completely vendor-specific (thus not a part of the OpenGL standard).

For example, the returned string may be like '2.0.6914 WinXP SSE/SSE2/SSE3/3DNow!'. 2.0 is the actual version number of GL supported. 6914 is a driver build number. WinXP is the OS. SSE/SSE2/SSE3/3DNow! are CPU features that the driver can use.

Sometimes glGetString(GL_VERSION) also returns also the bus type used, such as AGP or PCI or PCIEx.

Vendor string

The OpenGL implementations have a vendor string associated with it that is used for identifying the maker of the implementation.

It could be 'ATI Technologies', 'NVIDIA Corporation', 'INTEL' and so on. Note that there's no guarantee that the string for a specific vendor will remain the same in future implementations. On Windows, if it says 'Microsoft' then you are using the Windows software renderer or the Windows Direct3D wrapper. You probably haven't installed the graphics drivers yet in that case.

Renderer name

This names the renderer used by the implementation.

This string is often the name of the GPU. In the case of Mesa3d, it would be i.e 'Gallium 0.4 on NVA8'. It might even say 'Direct3D' if the Windows Direct3D wrapper is being used.

Extension list

Extensions can be queried one by one. To do this, first use glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, *) to get the number of extensions supported by the implementation. Then iterate over each one with this:

Where k​ is less than the GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS value.

Legacy extension list

A string containing a space-separated list of extension names can be queried as follows:

Context flags

There are multiple kinds of OpenGL contexts.

You can detect which profile the context supports with this query:

Audulus 3 3 4 1. This can contain the bits GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT or GL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT, but not both at the same time.

Other features of contexts can be detected via context flags:

The available context flags are:

The context is a forward compatible context.
The context is a debug context.
The context supports robust memory access functionality.
The context does not report OpenGL errors.

Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems Inc

Shading language version

The primary version of GLSL supported by the implementation can be queried:

The version string has almost the same format as the context version string. The difference is that the minor version always has two digits.

Supported GLSL versions

Supported GLSL versions
Core in version4.6
Core since version4.3

Support for specific versions of GLSL can be queried via an indexed get. Microsoft office 2016 16 11 – popular productivity suite plans. The number of supported GLSL versions is queried with glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSIONS, *)​. Each individual version can be queried from an indexed string:

Where k​ is on the range 0 to GL_NUM_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSIONS - 1.

These strings use the formatting of GLSL's #version declaration. This has the following forms:


The profile​ is only present for versions of GLSL that have this distinction.

Note that GLSL only gained the #version declaration in version 1.10; if an implementation exposes support for GLSL 1.00 (through ARB_shading_language_100), then it will return an empty string (').

Versions of the GLSL for OpenGL ES can also be supported. If an implementation returns '100', this does not refer to GLSL 1.00. It instead refers to support for OpenGL ES's 2.0's GLSL ES version 1.00. The profile​ can also be 'es', which represents a version of OpenGL ES's shading language. So version '300 es' represents GLSL ES 3.00. GLSL ES 1.00 does not use the 'es' profile name.

Retrieved from 'http://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki_opengl/index.php?title=OpenGL_Context&oldid=14586'

Acontext switch occurs when a computer’s CPU switches from one process or thread to a different process or thread.

Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems System

  • Context switching allows for one CPU to handle numerous processes or threads without the need for additional processors.
  • A context switch is the mechanism to store and restore the state or context of a CPU in Process Control block so that a process execution can be resumed from the same point at a later time.
  • Any operating system that allows for multitasking relies heavily on the use of context switching to allowdifferent processesto run at the same time.

Typically, there are three situations that a context switch is necessary, as shown below.

  • Multitasking – When the CPU needs to switch processes in and out of memory, so that more than one process can be running.
  • Kernel/User Switch – When switching between user mode to kernel mode, it may be used (but isn’t always necessary).
  • Interrupts – When the CPU is interrupted to return data from a disk read.

The steps in a full process switch are:

  1. Save the context of the processor, including program counter and other registers.

Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems Installation

  1. Update the process control block of the process that is currently in the Running state. This includes changing the state of the process to one of the other states (Ready; Blocked; Ready/Suspend; or Exit). Other relevant fields must also be updated, including the reason for leaving the Running state and accounting information.
  1. Move the process control block of this process to the appropriate queue (Ready; Blocked on Event i ; Ready/Suspend).
  1. Select another process for execution.
  2. Update the process control block of the process selected. This includes changing the state of this process to Running.
  1. Update memory management data structures. This may be required, depending on how address translation is managed.
  1. Restore the context of the processor to that which existed at the time the selected process was last switched out of the Running state, by loading in the previous values of the program counter and other registers.

Contexts 3 2 0 – Fast Window Switcher Systems
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